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Attendance & Absences

Attendance Phone: 720-561-3600 or email

When reporting any absences please provide Students Name, Teacher, and the Reason for the absence. The absence will be recorded in Infinite Campus. 

If you are picking up your student prior to the end of the school day- please email your child's teacher and the front office. We will do our best to have your student waiting in the front office for your arrival.

If your student will be late, please email or call the front office. If your 5th-8th grade student is more than 5 minutes late- they will miss their 1st period homeroom class and you will receive a robocall from BVSD stating that absence. 

Attendance Policy:
Horizons K-8 follows the BVSD attendance policy. At five days of unexcused absence, families will receive a notice, and may be invited in for a conversation about what might be inhibiting regular attendance.
Please Note:
● School attendance is compulsory at Horizons, just like it is at all other public schools in the state.
● It is the responsibility of the student and their family to assure that any work missed due to excused or unexcused absences is completed.
● All absences and tardies need to be reported each morning as they occur.
● Tardies are excused under the same circumstances as absences, and are considered a form of unexcused absence. While students will still be expected to check in at the office if they are tardy, they will not be excused until/unless their parent has communicated with the front office.

Unexcused Absences:
You can fill out a Pre-Arranged Absence form at any time and submit it to the front office for the Head of School to review. 

Family travel on curricular days is considered unexcused unless it is for a specific life event, ie. wedding, funeral. Travel when the ski conditions are great or the airfares are cheaper are, indeed, unexcused.