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School Life

Outdoor Education

A few weeks into the school year, all grades leave school and go to outdoor education venues where they experience community-building, risk-taking, skill- stretching, communal meals, and bonding in the great outdoors. Outdoor Ed is a wonderful way for our students to exercise physical health while social-emotional relationship building.



One of the hallmarks of Horizons is our buddy program. Students in upper grades buddy with younger students.  A 7th grader might read to a kinder.  A 4th grader will work out a math problem with their 2nd grade friend. Buddies attend field trips together and can often be seen having PE time together. The buddy program creates connection across grade levels.


Winter Sports

Students in all grades spend several days in the winter enjoying activities such as skiing, ice skating, tubing, hiking, indoor tennis, and swimming. Learning to be together outside of the school walls is an emphasis of our winter sports program.