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Physical Health

Health Resources

Parents/Guardians should follow How Sick is Too Sick? - CDPHE’s Illness Policy for Students and Staff in School and Child Care

  • Common symptoms of illness in children such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever should be resolved for 24hrs (without medications) before a student or staff person returns to school.

  • Students may return to school or child care as long as their symptom(s) have been resolved for 24 hours unless the symptoms are caused by an illness that requires them to stay home longer and they are able to participate in school. 

Health Conditions Students with Asthma, Seizures, Diabetes, Chronic Headaches, or who experience Anaphylaxis benefit from the use of a standardized health care plan.  We encourage the use of these standardized plans and orders:


Students may receive medications at school according to BVSD policy.  However, all prescription and non-prescription medications must be maintained in the health office and administered by a trained staff member.  All medications must be delivered to the health office and be accompanied by a completed authorization form signed by a health care provider.

EXCEPTION: A student who requires the use of emergency rescue medications may be allowed to self-carry.  Your health care provider can give permission for your student to self-carry on the medication authorization form.

Athletic Preparticipation Physical Evaluations

Students participating in athletics are required to have a preparticipation physical evaluation every 365 days.  Use of the Colorado High School Activities Association Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form is strongly recommended.


  • Students may return to school or child care as long as the symptom(s) have been resolved for 24 hours unless the symptoms are caused by an illness that requires them to stay home longer.

    • COVID testing is recommended, not required, for anyone with COVID-like symptoms or a known exposure. 

COVID-like symptoms include:

  •  Fever (100.4 and above), chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, runny nose or congestion, muscle or body aches, headache, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea

Any individual who tests positive must isolate at home until: 

  1. They have had no fever for at least 24 hours — without the use of fever-reducing medicines, AND 

  2. Symptoms are improving, AND 

  3. It has been at least 5 days since symptoms began.  (If symptoms do not develop, count 5 days from when the test was administered.)

  4. Individuals should then wear a well-fitted mask for the next 5 days when around others. If they are unable to effectively wear a mask for an additional 5 days, they should isolate for the full 10 days.

If you have questions about returning to school after an illness, please contact our school's health office 720-561-3620 .

Medications In School

Students requiring medication during the school day need to turn in a Physicians Authorization Form. Medications are dispensed by a health paraeducator who works with our BVSD nurse in the school health room.