Council Notes January 18 2024
1/18/24 Council Meeting Minutes
Horizons K8 School
Meeting Agenda: Skylines - Google Docs
Call to Order: 5:38 PM
Facilitator: Mike Tadros
Notetaker: Michelle Bargo
Hawk Happenings:
Carol Schwendener provided a STEAM update! Various grade levels are moving through coding, digital safety, 3D design, and engineering projects. She wowed us with some amazing “Twirlers” that the ⅞ students designed.
Karen Dimetrosky and Kristy Shoemaker provided a Learning Lab update! They work with K-4 students doing Tier 2 Orten Gillingham reading instruction. They provided us with a show-&-tell including a sensory sand tray, books, and letter/ word cards that they use with students.
Committee Updates:
Development - Theresa J & Lauren Y
Mod Market is giving 30% back on orders for tonight!
The Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser raised about $170 last week!
Total fundraising this year has reached more than $72K, which is more than was raised at the same time last year for both family participation and dollars raised.
Pancake Breakfast is looking for volunteers 1/26/24 in the cafeteria before school.
Spring Gala is 5/4! We are working very hard on gathering donations for the silent auction. There is a Spring Gala meeting tomorrow morning, 1/19/24 at 8:30 in the cafeteria. This group is having TOO much fun!! Come join us!
Celebrations: Yay shade structure!! We are also hoping to have a gender neutral bathroom installed by 2025, or even sooner if possible.
EDB - Christine Shoemaker
Reading to End Racism - Emmy’s mom is helping support this program on 2/13/24. Classrooms will receive curated library books on diversity topics and some community volunteers will come to the classrooms to read and engage students in discussions. We are looking for parent volunteers to pick up books for this program.
Taste of Horizons - Stay tuned for more info!
Care Closet - Aleka is organizing this closet that includes a variety of clothing items and outdoor gear to support students having what they need to be comfortable. Students can borrow or keep what they need. We are collecting clothing, outdoor items, and toiletries.
Banned Book Club - We are reading a book that has been banned each month.
“Be the Change” - This is a new blurb that will run in Skylines. Currently the request is that community members sign up for the carpooling website.
HCG - Barb
The next HCG Steering meeting is 2/9/24 at 8:30 in the cafeteria. We are working to create great community events for Horizons!
The next liaison meeting is next Tuesday 1/23/24. We are working to gather new ideas for the liaison role.
Pancake Breakfast is next Friday 1/26. We are looking for volunteers!
Continue to encourage families to sign up for classroom cleaning!
Would it make sense to have faculty attend HCG meetings?
How can we increase parent involvement in our community? Julie spoke about community involvement from a historical perspective. Could we advertise key decisions that will be made at upcoming meetings? Could students make presentations to increase interest? Can we seek out additional training on marketing or community building?
DAC - John
DAC did not meet as a group this month because we were asked to hold sub-committee meetings.
There is a district initiative around “FET” which stands for Families and Educators Together and promotes inclusion of everyone.
Question regarding whether the influx of newcomers immigrating to CO will ultimately impact BVSD enrollment. We do not have a clear answer to this.
Special Education Parent Community Advisory Board - Not discussed.
New Business:
Horizons just hired a new band teacher, James, who will hold an instrument “petting zoo” soon!
Adjourned: 7:29 PM