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Council Notes March 16 2023

Horizons K-8 School
Council Meeting Minutes

Date: 3/16/23
Time: 6pm

In Attendance: Katie Todorof, Eric Goldgeier, Thomas Escobar, Sindy Phuong, Liz Wilding, Erica Harrington, Zoe Vandeveer, Caroline Gursky, Julie Layne, Michelle Bargo, Suzy Magliaro, Lisa Leftakes, Imogene Salva, Elizabeth Parady, Matt Wallace, Joanne Sullivan, Cory Pavicich, Jim Freund, Adam Brink, Mike Tadros, Suzanne Tadros, Allyson DeSart, Rob Horansky, Maitreya Rich, Jennifer Christie, Lauren Yeldell, Micah Schwalb, John Bogosian, Lucas Ketzer, Holland, Teran, Thomas, Katie Hughes, Meredith, Jen MP, Barb, Christy S, Aubrey, Julie, Julianna, Chris, James Hutt, Karen Wolfer, Brooke Bell, Jannell Eagan, Lucas Mile, Tiana Mile, Melissa Spirko, Leontyne, Lynn, Mercedes, Sarah, Hilary, Marley B, Fran, Erica B, Elizabeth C, Katherine, Kevin Crouse, Crystal Findlay, Karen, DMG, Jeff, Judith Bartels

Minimum of 20 member quorum established
Facilitators: Allyson DeSart, Mike Ashmore
Notetaker: Maggie Anderson
Timekeeper: Elizabeth Parady

6:00 Introductions

6:05 Communication Agreements/Procedure/Concordance/Minutes

6:10 Committee Reports

  • DAC (District Accountability Committee) – John Bogosian – Minutes – Discussed a push for Title 1 programs (community partnerships), adding indoor security cameras, call for application for Bond oversight committee
  • DPC (District Parent Council)  – Kristin – not present
  • FRC (Fundraising Committee) – Elizabeth – Monthly donations are available to set up now, April 22 is the spring social/gala, Presale raffle tickets are available if you can’t come, and you don’t need to be there to win. Karen is making a Bolder Boulder team. Our donut event/Variety Friday/pizza event was successful, Upcoming Mod Market fundraiser
  • EDB (Equity, Diversity, & Belonging)- Allyson – Bookclub of Gender creative child earlier this month
  • HCG (Horizons Community Group) – Elizabeth – Keep an eye on Skylines for an announcement about joining the steering committee and upcoming meetings
  • FRC (Financial Review Committee) –  Elizabeth – The committee brought the budget proposal to the board
  • Board Report – budget and hiring discussions, two candidates – one is flying in on Monday

6:30 Budget update and long term sustainability – feedback

Allyson asked: Why Horizons? Why is the community choosing Horizons? The answer will help the board prioritize areas of the budget. The reason we are asking this is that pandemic money is running out, we have to tighten our belts, we’ve been drawing down on our reserves.

Jim talked about the historical context – We’ve been in this place before – we want to be proactive so that our financial future is secure. A faculty subcommittee met a few times and came up with scenarios that would work.

Lucas gave overview of the different proposals – We have $4.5 million/year – state revenue per pupil, mill levy funding too (local property taxes), Expense – district charges us per student (special ed, legal, HR). The latest charter contract increased business expenses significantly, $1.3mil/year paid back to the district, salary/benefits cost are about 70% of our costs, ESSR funds will be gone soon.

Building capacity is 385 student.

All are welcome to the Financial Review Committee meeting on the first Wednesday at 2:30; Fundraising Committee meets the first Wednesday at 8:30.

Horizons picks up the slack for funding programs that fundraising doesn’t quite get enough for

An idea was mentioned that teachers could have paras that are student teachers to help cover the shortfall

There was a discussion of what fees will look like going forward.

About $9k in PPR for each additional student.

Feedback of what is most important to our families:

  • Small class size
  • Excellent teachers
  • Paras in class
  • Retaining Veteran teachers
  • Social emotional learning
  • Outdoor Ed
  • Specials
  • Specialists
  • Project based learning
  • Increasing class sizes is okay, but we don’t want to lose paras

We want to emphasize responsible, thoughtful communication – so that incorrect information doesn’t spread because it hurts our reputation.

In the past, Horizons didn’t have specials in the traditional sense, the subjects were taught by homeroom teachers. If we removed specials, it wouldn’t mean that those subjects wouldn’t be covered.

Fundraising committee looking into why folks haven’t contributed

Tell people to come to council.

8:00 Adjourn