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Council Notes Sept 15 2022

Horizons K-8 School
Council Meeting Minutes
Date: 9/15/22
Time: 6:30
Minimum of 20 member quorum established
Facilitators: Mike Ashmore, Lucas Ketzer
Notetaker: Maggie Anderson
Timekeeper: Lucas Ketzer
6:30  Introductions
6:45 Communication Agreements/Procedure/Concordance/Minutes
6:48 Committee Reports

  • DAC- Still looking for a representative (parent or guardian at our school), great way to interface with the district and it’s projects
  • DPC- Kristen Daily  sent notes, this committee provides input to the district specifically from a parent perspective
  • Bond (last one pasted was 2014) 670 million dollar needs, 350 million is what they are asking for for building improvements; Horizons will receive about 500K if it passes; will be on November ballot; we encourage folks to vote; to learn more, go to the BVSD website
  • Committee  discusses CMAS results district-wide and addresses disproportionalities; Horizons was on the highest plan you can receive from the state
  • Increases eligibility for FRL students
  • District has recovered academic performance overall since the start of the pandemic
  • SAC- Mike – Maps, CMAS, iReady School Performance Framework, (School Accountability Committee)
  • EDB- Allyson – 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30; Fran’s class wrote a song about the new Mission/Vision/Values; last meeting they discussed how we are living this out?; Open Enrollment update – we are aspiring to have  20% of our students qualifying for FRL – some snags with charter agreement but it’s in the works; Outdoor Ed – hoping to support students who don’t have the supplies they need, like a lending library for gear; “This is Not Who We Are” screening  is coming up – okay to bring middle schoolers; book club is in the works (What Happened to You is an upcoming title); SES subgroup that all are welcome to join – addressing obstacles for families at Horizons
  • HCG- Elizabeth – looking for a diverse steering committee; works with liaisons, volunteers, classroom cleaning; looking for volunteers for events; planning clothing swaps
  • FRC- Elizabeth – anybody can join; look at finances of the school; recent meeting was looking at financials from last year, they aligned pretty well with the budget, upcoming meeting to look at this years budget, need to come up with a long term, sustainable plan after we are done drawing down our reserves; we need to fundraise to cover the gaps, fundraising committee (AKA “development committee”) is forming;  208K is goal for this year (we have 27% of our goal so far); goals include creating more equity (like every kid getting a yearbook and Horizons swag)
  • Board Report- Mike – election

7:30 Council Budget and fundraising update
7:35 Board Elections – Rob Horansky – 13 votes yes via Zoom; 13 yes in person; Rob Horansky is our new Board Member
7:00 Open Forum

  • We discussed the changes in our messaging and philosophy behind asking for donations/fundraising, how can we make sure everyone hears this message?; more people on the committee the better communication, the better the messaging, etc.
  • Strategic Planning update – next steps is the decision making matrix; goal is concording on 21-page document dictating how decisions are made at the school
  • 9/28- SAC Meeting at noon
  • 9/29- This Is Not Who We Are, 6pm, childcare provided
  • 10/3- SEL Presentation
  • 10/5- FRC Meeting
    8:08 Adjourn