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Council Notes Oct 20 2022

Horizons K-8 School

Council Meeting Minutes

Date: 10/20/22
Time: 6:06
In Attendance: Adam Brink, Lucas Ketzer, Peter Hegalbach, Carol Schwendener, Tyler Currie, Julie Cohen, Mia Seymour, Kevin Crouse, Caroline, Rachel, Suzy, Elizabeth, Allyson DeSart, Meredith Croft, Rob Horansky, John Bogosian, Ryler Horansky, Tim, Suzanne Tadros, Mike Tardos, Kristen Daly, Joe Kralj, Melissa Spirko, Joy Pieper, Diana Stone, Karen Wolfer, Vivian, Lynn Pence, Laynes, Ryan Conrad, Chris, Mike Ashmore, Maggie Anderson, Nina

Minimum of 20 member quorum established
Facilitators: Lucas Ketzer, Mike Ashmore
Notetaker: Maggie Anderson
Timekeeper: Lucas Ketzer

6:00 Introductions

6:10 Communication Agreements/Procedure/Concordance/Minutes – Tyler Currie – address one another directly, be open about problems and disagreements, speak from the heart, concordance is our decision-making process, we make decisions collectively through dialogue

6:15 Committee Reports

  • John Bogosian – District Accountability Committee (DAC) – this is a way for parents to represent and have input in district decisions. Topics discussed: decline in enrollment nationally, proposal for the state funding school lunches ($100 million in the first year); including land acknowledgement statement, exploring diversity in social studies (DAC Notes October 2022).
  • Kristen Daly – District Parent Council (DPC) – representing parent voice of Horizons. Topics Discussed: School Safety and Volunteering – multi-dimensional approach – positive school culture, security, emergency management (preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery), staff training, mental health support, standard response protocols.
  • Mike Ashmore – School Accountability Committee (SAC) – Mike – discussed closing the gap in testing scores
  • Allyson DeSart – Equity Diversity & Belonging (EDB) – Meets second Tuesdays, Topics discussed: how are we talking about Thanksgiving? In the classroom?, Mission/Vision/Values discussion, Open Enrollment ideas, Outdoor Ed supply library for folks who need gear, Book Club – What Happened to You?, upcoming parent workshop
  • Elizabeth Parady – Horizons Community Group (HCG) – Social events that create community (speakers, service projects), Topics Discussed: streamlining liaison emails, “What Is It” section of liaison emails (like what is helpatschools, what is hawkbucks?), events – Fall Dance, Clothing Swap, Feed Our Teachers, Pancake Breakfast, Open Enrollment Tours (need volunteers!), email
  • Elizabeth Parady – Finance Review Committee (FRC) – meetings Nov 2, BVSD has switched software and it’s had issues, we are monitoring spending and comparing it to last year, 36% of our fundraising goal (42% of families have participated), fundraising meeting – after school 3:45-4:45 Oct 31, discussion about the messaging regarding donation requests, lots of different perspectives, most agree that an ask needs to go out again soon
  • Mike Ashmore – Board Report – Board meets 2nd Thursday of the month, Input about needing more LGBTQ+ support, discuss change of bylaws in order to increase the numbers of faculty represented on the board (this would involve removing Lucas and Karen as board members), Bryce (our legal counsel) verified that the board can make this change if they decide they want to.

7:35 Spring Auction Committee –  needs volunteers – fundraising opportunity, about 175 people turnout in past, silent auction, paddle auction, 40-50K raised, new people would be taking this on (past organizers are stepping back) If you have great ideas or experience, email Lucas

7:45 Open Forum

  • Drop off procedures – how we can be more safe and efficient, Horizons has had traffic studies done and our set up is considered satisfactory.

8:00 Adjourn