Council Notes Nov 17 2022
Horizons K-8 School
Council Meeting Minutes
Date: 11/17/22
Time: 6:02
In Attendance: Lucas, Maggie, Rob, Michelle Bargo, Suzy Magnliaro, Mike Ashmore, Adam Brink, Melissa Spirko, Karen Wolfer, Caroline Goodwin, Bogosian/Stone, Lynn Pence, Joel Krajl, Allyson DeSart, Elizabeth Parady, Kevin Crouse, Vera, Laynes
Facilitators: Lucas Ketzer, Mike Ashmore
Notetaker: Maggie Anderson
6:00 Introductions
6:05 Communication Agreements/Procedure/Concordance/Minutes
6:10 Committee Reports
- DAC (John Bogosian) – SROs/Gun Free School Act – #of SROs increased by 30% over 10 years, does this criminalize what is normal student behavior? No real resolution to the conversation, open enrollment – Horizons in particular was discussed – economic income survey that we added to the lottery, Lucas – goal to increase socioeconomic diversity, Substitute pay increase, 80 -90% sub fill rate.
- DPC (Kristen sent notes to Lucas) – MTSS supports, UIP working to decrease disproportionate rates of discipline with minorities, increase access to advance classes.
- SAC (Lucas) – Horizons UIP was approved by district, will be posted to CDEC beginning of January.
- EDB (Allyson) – visit was well received with ½, native american heritage month – shared resources via skylines, book fair maybe in the future, MVV celebrations with students, support for LGBTQ+ kids, book club, open enrollment outreach – flyers, looking for all kinds of diversity
- HCG (Elizabeth) – Fall Dance was a huge success, new parents helped, huge turn out, raised $600, Pancake breakfast – raised over $1K for Hawkbucks campaign, not a lot planned for December, anxiety workshop being put together, January community event will be family board game night, Artastic is Dec 2
- FRC (Elizabeth) – still waiting for numbers from the district so we can start revising the budget – due to district in January, fundraising – different scenarios to show the board for decision -making FY 2026 goal is to find a zero budget with an 8% reserve, long term strategy to accomplish this by then, fundraising committee is working on finding a way to do monthly contributions, Dec 6 is CO gives day, Auction is too big of a lift this year, $95K raised – 46% of our goal, Mod Market fundraiser will be on council nights going forward
- Board Report (Mike) – UIP, Winter Sports, fundraising committee, managing shortfall we could potentially have in the future, board membership changing – Lucas & Karen will no longer be voting members of the board, allows 2 more faculty members, December meeting for faculty to choose new members
6:40 Open Forum – discussion about illnesses at school, fundraising goal – how does it compare to previous years at this time? What is a realistic expectation amount to ask for? Will this create an alienating culture for families that can’t give as much? Is open enrollment a key time to make sure folks know they will be asked for money? Lack of community understanding of what we need and why, previously we had asked various times for various things and the feedback we received was that that made people feel nickel and dimed, this was a response to that, everyone reacts differently to the different types of asks, We are still early in this strategy and work now more on the messaging. “All of us in for all of our kids” Could we have an event to give it weight to talk to folks about fundraising? Action plan on fundraising: bring this feedback to fundraising committee
8:06 Adjourn