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Board Minutes Feb 8 2024

Horizons K8

Facilitators:  Jasmine GBC/Mike Tadros
Timekeeper: Adam Brink                  
Process Observer:
Travis Lockhart
Secretary/Minutes:  Michelle Bargo     

Call to Order: 6:04 PM

Present: Travis Lockhart, Stephanie Landrum, Kristin Hauger, Michelle Bargo, Jasmine GBC,  Jim Freund, Mike Ashmore, Emmy Kurtz, Adam Brink
Present Online: Mike Tadros, Rob Horansky, Shoshana Zerblock 
Absent:  Kristy Lewis, Fran Cohen

  • Quorum established

Additional community members in attendance virtually: Lynn Pence, Joel Gratz, Lauren Yedell, Janelle Eagen

Public Comment: None

Consent Agenda:  Reviewed minutes from 1/11/24 and agenda for 2/8/2024
Agenda:  Board Meeting Agenda – February 8, 2024.docx - Google Docs

  •  Motion to approve: Mike Tadros
     Second:  Mike Ashmore

HOS Update: GBC

  • HOS Annual Goals: GBC has selected 7 goals from the Horizons HOS Effectiveness Standards and she presented her selected annual goals to the Board.
  • Enrollment: In the first round we asked for 62 students; 46 students accepted.  We still have waitlists for all grade levels except for K.  We have 8-10 openings for kindergarten, so GBC and Kristin are planning to create a flier for surrounding preschools and daycares.  Additional kinder recruitment will happen at CU as incoming faculty relocates to the area.
  • Compensation Committee: See Committee Updates below.

Board Committee Updates:

  • FRC: GBC
    To earn interest, $380K was transferred to the C-Safe Account as decided at the last board meeting.  BVSD expects the COLA for 24/25 to be approximately 5.3%.  FRC reviewed the compensation packages for paras and faculty.  Based on our current student enrollment, FRC is preparing to recommend the para compensation package for 24/25, and not planning to recommend a change in the compensation packages for faculty.  Additional roles that are expected to be added at Horizons: increasing FTE of counselor from .4 to .75, instructional coach, and math interventionist.  

  • Development Committee:  Kristin Hauger
    - We are cautiously hoping to earn about $30K based on historical earnings prior to covid.  Teresa is recruiting sponsors for the event.  Lauren and Kristy are gathering donations for the auction.  We are developing concepts of intangible staff experience items people would be excited to bid on (e.g., visit a bookstore with a teacher, break-the-rules night at school).  We are developing a paddle raiser concept.
    - The Board discussed the equity of auctioning intangible items that give access to teachers vs. the importance of increasing fundraising potential.  

Compensation Committee Updates: Mike Tadros

  • The committee met in the past month and worked towards compiling data for the compensation proposals.  In March, FRC will recommend a proposal in advance of the board budget adoption later that month.

Other Board Business:

  • Exit interviews - GBC and Kristin are reviewing a draft for an exit interview to be used when families choose to leave Horizons.  The exit interviews will happen via either emails or phone calls from GBC and Kristin.  Thanks for making this happen!

Process Observer:  Travis Lockhart - Great time management!  

Adjourned:  6:53 PM