Board Minutes Dec 14 2023
Horizons K8
Board Meeting Minutes
Agenda: Board Meeting Agenda – December 14, 2023.docx - Google Docs
Facilitators: Jasmine GBC/Mike Tadros
Timekeeper: Unassigned
Process Observer: Mike Ashmore
Secretary/Minutes: Michelle Bargo
Call to Order: 6:05 PM
Present: Travis Lockhart, Stephanie Landrum, Kristin Hauger, Michelle Bargo, Mike Tadros, Jasmine GBC, Fran Cohen, Rob Horansky, Jim Freund, Mike Ashmore, Emmy Kurtz
Absent: Adam Brink, Kristy Lewis, Shoshana Zerblock
Quorum established -yes
Public Comment:
Joel – FRC/ budget conversations need to begin including new information from the Salary Review Committee.
Consent Agenda: Reviewed minutes from 11/9/2023 and agenda for 12/14/2023.
- Motion to approve: Mike Tadros
Second: Rob Horansky
HOS Update: GBC
Enrollment: Current enrollment is 360 but we are funded at 359. GBC proposed increasing enrollment to 392 which would be 22 kids per classroom. These numbers are in line with what the Board had approved during the 22/23 school year. (Grades 3/4 and 5/6 are already very close to 22.)
Long conversation about class size, improved compensation package, planning ahead for expenses before changing policies.
Open Enrollment: BVSD changed its open enrollment preferences. To deviate, Horizons would need to apply for a waiver. These preference changes are: alumni preference (students who leave and then re-enroll in a school) and students who have previously applied to the school. (Open enrollment is different from an administrative transfer/ special circumstances, which already occurs and can continue to occur.)
- Motion: Rob Horanski: Horizons admin to request a waiver so that Horizons can continue the status quo on our current open enrollment preferences.
Second: Mike Ashmore
Board Members Skills Assessment: Michelle Bargo – With the internet down, we deferred this conversation until later. Please complete the brief self-assessment survey to help increase awareness of our collective strengths and weaknesses, and to help plan for future professional development.
Board Committee Updates:
FRC: Mike Ashmore – Currently the Council budget year end projection is $628K in non-earmarked funds. This is in part because BVSD is back-paying more for special education services from 22/23 school year and because staff drew fewer benefits than projected. Now that we have actuals from BVSD, we were in a surplus of 23K for the 22/23 school year.
Development Committee: Kristin Hauger – CO Gives Day closed on 12/5 and brought in $39K! The current total for the 23/24 Hawksbucks campaign is $59K. Artastic earned $6K for Horizons. Now the primary focus is on the spring auction (May 4, 2024).
Other Board Business:
The Salary Review Committee has not yet convened.
The May Annual Meeting of the Members is scheduled for 5/16/24 and overlaps with 8th grade Aperture Night. The Annual Meeting of Members includes budget approval and board elections and is followed by a special board meeting to elect board positions.
- Motion: Mike Tadros: To move the May Board Meeting to another time, to be determined. To move May Annual Meeting of the Members (May Council) from 5/16/2024 to 5/9/2024.
Second: Mike Ashmore
Action Item: Communicate this change to Elizabeth Parady so the school calendar can be updated.
Process Observer: Mike Ashmore – This was a very respectful and polite discussion of thorny subjects.
Adjourned: 7:56 PM