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Board Minutes Apr 13 2023


Horizons K8 School

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: 4/13/23


Call to Order: 6:05

Facilitators: Mike Ashmore

Notetaker: Lucas Ketzer

Timekeeper: Adam Brink

Process Observer: Jess Hogan


Present: Mike A, Fran, Lucas, Elizabeth, Mike T, Jessica, Rob, Stephanie, Adam, Allyson, Jim

Quorum established 


Consent Agenda: 

  • Approve current agenda and minutes with addition of “and compare with other charter schools”. Motion to approve - Mike A

Second - Elizabeth



  • We are currently at 65% of our fundraising goal

  • Next school year, we may not be using RevTrack to collect contributions. BVSD is planning on phasing RevTrack out after next school year. 

Open Enrollment

  • Given our current grade level caps, we are projecting 362 students for next year because we are short students at Kindergarten

  • Proposal- “The FY24 enrollment cap will be 375 students and the HOS and faculty will work together to find appropriate spots for students on the waitlist.”- Motion to approve- Mike T

Second- Mike A


FY24 Budget

  • The board discussed the reduction of a 1.0 math interventionist and 0.25 middle school literacy interventionist for FY24

  • The board discussed the costs and benefits of a graduated COLA vs. an 8% COLA for FY24. 

  • The board advised the HOS to work with the finance team to be able to present a budget for FY24 that includes an 8% COLA for all staff members and the elimination of a math interventionist position and a middle school literacy interventionist position.

Process Observer: 

  • Respectful discussion

  • Ran over time


Adjourn: 8:30