Board Minutes Sep 9 2021
Board of Horizons K-8 School
September 9, 2021
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Meeting held virtually via Zoom
Facilitators: Mike Ashmore / Lucas Ketzer
Note Taker: Stacey Acquavella
Minutes: Lucas Ketzer
Timekeeper: Paul Ramer
Process Observer: Peter Hegelbach
Call to Order: 6:00pm
Lucas Ketzer, Karen Wolfer, Aubrey Demmon, Adam Brink, Peter Hegelbach, Ryan Conrad, Mike Ashmore, Rachel Buckley, Stacey Acquavella, Paul Ramer, Allyson Desart, Jessica Hogan
Quorum established
Public Comment:
- No public comment
Consent Agenda:
- Approve September 9th Agenda
- Prior Minutes: still waiting on prior minutes from last board meeting
Motion – Mike Ashmore
Motion to approve consent items
Second – Lucas Ketzer
Head of School Updates:
- Fully staffed, but still looking for music teacher
- If we don’t find a music teacher, looking into potential partnerships with outside organizations
- We are holding our parent COVID Q and A on Monday
- No COVID transmission at Horizons throughout the pandemic
- Our faculty is continuing to focus on four main curriculum and programming areas: MTSS, GT, Math Assessments, and Literacy
Finance Review Committee:
- Our end of year projected starting balance was $900,000 but our actual starting balance will be approximately $1.3 million
- We plan to draw down $106,000 this fiscal year
Strategic Planning Committee Update:
- Lucas provided a high level overview of the process
- Jess provided an overview of the mental model and the purpose of the mission, vision, values
- Next steps- take the input to faculty for comment and feedback
Adjourn at 8:00 PM