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Board Minutes Nov 10 2021

Board Meeting

November 10, 2021

6:00 to 8:00 PM

Members Present: Mike Ashmore, Jess Hogan, Paul Ramer, Allyson DeSart, Rachel Buckley, Lucas Ketzer, Karen Wolfer, Ryan Conrad, Peter Hegelbach, Adam Brink, Aubrey Demmon

Members Absent: Stacey Acquevella

Public Comment: Erica Baruch

Consent Agenda:

Motion – Lucas

Motion to approve consent items, without prior minutes

Head of School Updates:

Board discussed compliance with COVID testing and decided the best course of action was to continue to follow BVSD policy. No further action taken

Finance Review Committee: 

FRC Notes can be found here

Mission, Vision, Values Discussion: 

The board discussed proposed vision statements and decided to discuss further at the next Horizons Council meeting. Lucas, Jess, Mike, and Rachel will meet to discuss next steps on the strategic plan. 

Meeting Adjourned