Board Minutes Jun 8 2021
Board of Horizons K-8 School
June 8th, 2021
6:00 pm – 7:57 pm
Meeting held virtually via Zoom
Facilitators: Tyler Currie / Lucas Ketzer
Note Taker: Hope Nelson-Roohr
Minutes: Geary Layne
Timekeeper: Mike Ashmore
Process Observer: Tyler Currie
Call to Order: 6:00pm
Beth Coleman, Geary Layne, Julie Cohen, Karen Wolfer, Lucas Ketzer, Mike Ashmore, Paul Ramer, Peter Hegelbach, Rachel Buckley, Teran Sittner, Tyler Currie
Arrived Late:
Alex Osias
Quorum established
Guests: Several
Public Comment: None
Consent Agenda:
- Approve June 8th agenda
- Prior Minutes- May 13th
Motion – Tyler Currie
Move to accept consent agenda includes 5/13 minutes
Second – Mike Ashmore
Head of School Updates:
- Employment offers
- Shoshona- MS Sped
- Kim – Counselor
- Carlye (⅚ para) & Ellen (PE) exchanged roles
Motion – Mike Ashmore
Move to approve these applicants
Second – Paul Ramer
- ESSER III Spending Proposal
- BVSD approved $146,800.00
- These funds are directed to learning loss from Covid, funds spent thru 2 fiscal years
- Voluntary committee met
- Recommending hiring ½ time math interventionist K8, literacy interventionist for middle school and funding ongoing professional development
- BVSD approved these expenses and will include it as part of their application to state
FY22 Budget:
- Return to normal budget
- $900K beginning fund balance
- Running deficit for 21-22 of $184K
- We will have access to $90K for transportation related expenses
- We have more salaries and benefits costs
- Arts/music/movement/PEOutdoor Ed/Winter Sports will be funded
- FRC recommended building COLA into budget, and look at deficit of 150K-200K
Motion – Mike Ashmore
Moves to approve budget subject to revised COLA #s in the Fall
Second – Tyler Currie
Charter contract:
Motion – Tyler Currie
Motion to move into executive session to discuss positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations regarding the charter contract pursuant to CRS 24-6-402 (4) (e)
Second – Paul Ramer
Open session resumed at 7:55 PM
Motion – Tyler Currie
Moves that the board recommends that the council approve the charter contract
Second – Mike Ashmore
Meeting Adjourned at 7:57 PM