Board Minutes Apr 12 2022
Horizons K8 School
Board Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2022
Call to Order: 6pm
Facilitators: Lucas Ketzer, Mike Ashmore
Notetaker: Maggie Anderson
Timekeeper: Ryan Conrad
Process Observer: Allyson DeSart
Present: Lucas Ketzer, Michael Ashmore, Mike Tadros, Karen Wolfer, Rachel Buckley, Allyson Desart, Jessica Hogan, Aubrey Demmon, Adam Brink, Peter Hegelbach, Ryan Conrad
Absent: Stacey Acquavella
Quorum established
Public Comment
- Joy Pieper – Discussed use of playground afterschool
- Julie Layne – Voiced support for need for playground discussion
Consent Agenda:
- Approve current agenda
- Prior Minutes
Motion to approve – Mike
Second – Lucas
Role of Council/Governance: Board Bylaws
- Motion to move to executive session by Lucas; Mike seconds,
- Executive session pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) for conferences with an attorney for the local public body for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions related to the Horizons bylaws.
Head of School Updates
- Hiring Update – Natalie moving to teach K, Committee ultimately supported the hiring of Nicoletta Simon, motion to approve (Peter), approved
- Equity Audit Update – faculty meeting to discuss equity audit by WEEAC will be held on May 20th
Head of School Survey – Rachel – HOS Goals
- The HOS evaluation committee consists of parent & faculty board members. The HOS Goals were concorded on in February. Three surveys will be administered to three different groups. Next Thursday at the Council meeting, we will have parents/guardians present take a community survey. Board members will take the survey tonight. Teachers will take the survey at a faculty meeting. Rachel will tabulate and synthesize the results and make a recommendation back to the parent board. At the May board meeting, results will be communicated and a recommendation will be made by parent board members.
Upcoming Board Vacancies (Lucas) – 3 vacancies for 2-year term next year. Council votes at May meeting to elect members. Deadline for applications is May 13th.
FRC – notes
MMV Update & Discussion – Proposed MVV
- Council concorded on 2 values: community & responsibility
- Next Council meeting, we will discuss the next three values
Other Board Business:
- The board discussed the usage of the playground after school
Process Observer:
- Discussed many topics
- Good job staying on task and moving quickly enough
- Everybody gave space for each other to talk and listen
Adjourn: 8:03