Board Minutes Oct 10 2019
Board of Horizons K-8 School
October 10, 2019
6 pm - 8:58 pm
Facilitators: Paul Ramer / Lucas Ketzer
Note Taker: Hope Nelson-Roohr (non-member)
Minutes: Geary Layne
Timekeeper: Peter Hegelbach
Process Observer: Geary Layne
Call to Order:
Paul Ramer, Teran Sittner, Karen Wolfe, Lucas Ketzer, Julie Cohen, Geary Layne, Peter Hegelbach, Allison Aknoukh, Tyler Currie, Beth Coleman
Paul Martin, Alex Osias
Quorum established
Carol Schwendener, Christy Shoemaker
Welcome & Invitation for public comments:
Approval of Agenda:
Regarding FTE/Salary Schedule Discussion agenda item, change “vote on policy” to “discuss new policy”
Motion - Tyler Currie
Approve agenda
Second - Beth Coleman
Approval of Minutes:
Question regarding addition of another parent rep. Jim resigned in order to even up # of parents/staff. Council decided on new parent board member, Allison Aknoukh.
Motion - Paul Ramer
Accept the minutes for 9/12/19
Second - Tyler Currie
Head of School Report:
- Charter Renewal
- Received application, 18 sections
- Margaret Crespo is our South West Area Superintendent
- Deadline for review 1/15
- Charter review committee will meet early Nov
- Council will need to approve Charter contract
- Possible impact to mill levy of $80K regarding transportation. Based on budget projections sent to Summit and Peak to Peak without mill levy, not sent to Horizons
- Outdoor Ed Highlights
- SAC 10/24 4-6 PM
- Committees
- Working on handbooks
- Extracurricular clubs
- Teacher eval
- Charter Renewal
- PD process, budget
- Decision making matrix
- Personnel
- Denise DellaRocco resigned
- Potential measles outbreak- unvaccinated staff would need to stay home for 21 days
- Rick Kellogg meeting with staff on 10/14 regarding lockdowns etc
Decision Making:
Update on progress. After faculty finishes work, it will be brought to the Board.
Board Agreements Template:
Review and discussion of draft agreements, modifications made.
Motion - Lucas Ketzer
Adopt edited version
Second - Beth Coleman
Principal Evaluation/Hiring Committee:
Discussed the need to have a formal Principal (Head of School) Evaluation procedure, include standing committee defined in the bylaws.
Motion - Geary Layne
Approve 4 board members (Allison, Tyler, Peter, Julie) to be in the Evaluation Process Committee, tasked with providing language to be added to the bylaws, to make a standing committee, and start defining eval/hiring process.
Second - Tyler Currie
Performance Plan:
State identified us at having a Perf. Plan (highest rating) with the caveat of low participation. Not 95% CMAS. SAC responds directly to perf plan in renewal and UIP.
Charter Renewal:
Begin to gather doc, create folders, will share with involve stakeholders at faculty level. Charter Approval Committee (Lucas, Karen, Paul R, Alex) will review draft and make edits. At 11/21 Council Meeting, present status/information, waivers we are opting out of, what we are sticking with.
Vision, Mission & Goals:
Employee handbooks are being updated. Any amendments to Vision/Mission will go to Council.
By Laws:
Discussion regarding how to move forward with work done by previous Board, Bylaw Committee, and Council. Plan is to move the Council role/responsibility from Articles of Incorporation to bylaws (previously concorded by Council) and make minor changes to address and legal issues.
Lucas & Paul will work on proposed changes and bring it to the board.
FTE/Salary Schedule Discussion:
Five year financial projections were reviewed, including the impact of honoring returning employees previous step at Horizon and moving 5 faculty with FTE between .45 and .49 to .5 FTE.
Tyler Currie recused himself due to conflicts of interest.
Motion - Lucas Ketzer
Any employee returning to Horizons K8 will be placed on whichever step is greater, their last paid step at Horizons K-8 or the appropriate step as determined by the Horizons’ new hire policy. Effective 10/11/19
Second - Paul Ramer
Concorded, Faculty Board Members Abstained
Motion - Paul Ramer
Move the 5 licensed teachers that are between .45 and .49 to .5 FTE. Effective 10/11/19
Seconded - Allison Akhnoukh
Concorded, Faculty Board Members Abstained
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM