Board Minutes Nov 11 2019
Board of Horizons K-8 School
Nov 14th, 2019
6:03 pm - 8:15 pm
Facilitators: Paul Martin / Lucas Ketzer
Note Taker: Hope Nelson-Roohr (non-member)
Minutes: Geary Layne
Timekeeper: Alex Osias
Process Observer: Peter Hegelbach
Call to Order: 6:03pm
Paul Martin, Alex Osias, Paul Ramer, Teran Sittner, Karen Wolfer, Lucas Ketzer, Julie Cohen, Geary Layne, Peter Hegelbach, Allison Akhnoukh, Tyler Currie, Beth Coleman
Quorum established
Welcome & Invitation for public comments:
Approval of Agenda:
Motion - Karen Wolfer
Approve agenda with added item to discuss additional para support
Second - Lucas Ketzer
Approval of Minutes:
Motion - Geary Layne
Approve the corrected minutes for 10/10/19
Second - Allison Akhnoukh
Head of School Report:
- Charter Renewal
- Plan to submit the application the week of 11/18/19
- No new information regarding mill levy funding, will not receive until after winter break
- Faculty doing a lot of work on figuring out appropriate programming and staffing, including how to continue Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) programming support with the possibility of no specific coordinator
- Explanation of the services provided by the district to support Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) / English Language Learners (ELL) students, and the cost to Horizons
- General discussion about services/cost provided by the district, Finance Review Committee (FRC) will take lead and provide information to Board
- Faculty will provide proposals for Arts, Music, Movement, and Experiential Learning by 12/22/19
- The School Accountability Committee (SAC), with support from Faculty, will work on the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP)
Decision Making:
- Faculty concorded on three big areas, marking significant progress
- Faculty will continue work
- Decision making matrix will be brought to the Board
Principal Evaluation/Hiring Committee:
Committee tasked with creating formal principal evaluation process, shared the plan and responsibility for permanent committee. This year’s evaluation would be fast tracked with the goal to collect data by January.
Motion - Tyler Currie
Create standing Committee by adding to bylaws:
Head of School Evaluation Committee. The Head of School Evaluation Committee shall consist of up to 4 members and shall include at least (1) Faculty Director and at least (1) Parent Director (other than the parent co-chair). A Parent Director shall serve as the chair of this committee. The Head of School Evaluation Committee shall be responsible for administering the Head of School Evaluation Procedure. Faculty members of the Committee will be responsible for supporting the design but not implementation of the evaluation procedure.
Second - Allison Akhnoukh
Motion - Allison Aknoukh
Approve evaluation process as described in the Horizons K-8 School Interim Head of School Evaluation Procedure - School Year 2019-2020 document.
Second - Alex Osias
Charter Renewal:
Update on application progress, including discussions with the district. Plan to have additional conversation with Margaret Crespo regarding application process. Application documents shared with the Board, any feedback requested by 11/20/19.
Draft bylaws, intending to move the Council’s roles from Articles of Incorporation to Bylaws and address legal issues identified by lawyer, was discussed.
Motion -
Approve this draft of bylaws with the addition to replace Principal with Head of School.
Second - Paul Ramer
No Concordance
Clean version draft bylaws will be provided to the Board for further review and to work from. Additional Board meeting will be held on 11/14/19 at 6:00pm to address concerns, notice in Skyline
Motion - Beth Coleman
Extend Board meeting to 8:15pm
Second - Tyler Currie
Additional PARA Support:
Faculty requested adding a para and extending some para hours to meet student needs, financial implications discussed.
Motion - Tyler Currie
Approve faculty request for additional para support
Second - Paul Ramer
Concorded, Faculty Board Members Abstained
Process observer:
- Did not talk over each other
- Ran over substantial agenda
Adjourned: 8:15pm