Board Minutes Aug 15 2019
Board of Horizons K-8 School
August 15, 2019
6 pm-8:10
Facilitators: Lucas Ketzer
Minutes: Karen Wolfer
Timekeeper: Peter
Process Observer: Peter
Call to Order:
Board Members: Jim Freund, Lucas Ketzer, Karen Wolfer, Julie Cohen, Peter Hegelbach, Beth Coleman, Paul Martin, Alex Osias, Tyler Currie
Announcements: Tyler stepping out for public comment time.
Lucas read statement from CDE Board President’s Handbook regarding guidance in public comment to explain the process recommended.
Public Comment:
Carol requests that her paystep be returned to the level she was at before she left. Gave examples and details. Discussed vague language of rules the decision was based on. Does not feel valued at this pay rate. This would be a policy change discussion, so it was recommended to be discussed at another board meeting.
**This topic will be added to the next board meeting - June 8, 2017 Policy**
+Denise wanted to make it clear that she and Joan use this policy (June 8, 2017) to ensure an equity lens regarding hiring.
Welcome and C C C (Cares, Concerns, Celebrations):
Bylaws update
Approval of Agenda:
Want to elect board members but not sure it is ok to do so with limited number of members present.
Determined the amount of time expected.
Approval of Minutes:
M&S: Mistake in the roll call where names were doubled. This will be amended. Tyler moves to approve. Seconded. Passed.
Discussion around Bond/Construction Update:
We received the ok for occupancy of building starting Friday. Last few details are being addressed. Saturday work day is on. Building will be ready for Monday.
Floor open for questions. Is there a plan for the dirt outside of the recess doors?
Board Bylaws Update: Lucas got the ones that were sent to BVSD and the ones that the board has. The question of whether the AP is a voting member is still in question. Will need to go into and look for the board minutes to see if the council approved this change.
M&S: Lucas moves that the board officially uses the bylaws that are on file with BVSD (dated April 17, 2014) as the bylaws we use going forward and ensure that this is the one that is uploaded to the website as a Pdf. with date August 15, 2019. We would have to re-address any changes found in subsequent documents. Seconded by Paul. Passed.
Board Elections: Lucas moves to postpone these until the next board meeting next month since we are missing so many members. There is a hard date of voting on that date. Tyler seconds. Passed.
FRC Update: FRC recommneds that the Spanish position be made from 0.45 to 0.49 to make it equal to the other specialist positions. Lucas motion made. Much discussion was had expressing concern about the use of a 0.49 position in general on our staff. Passed.
Classroom Budgets: Lucas, Denise and Joan are working on this. Impacts of hiring a PE and Music teacher rather than contracting out.
Proposal from FRC: How we could potentially address the policy of the 0.49 teachers. Recommend that we add up the total FTE that a candidate had worked. This should be addressed at the next Board Meeting.
½ Position: Fran was hired as ½, but deferred one year to assure that the MTSS program is supported. Memo in meeting agenda to clarify that Talia’s contract is for one year only. Thus ensuring that Fran can return to that position. Want to make sure that Talia understands it is a one year not a sub position. Request that the memo be reworded to be in line with at will personnel rather than the word guarantee.
Marquee for the school: FRC was tasked with determining the best idea for a digital sign outside. Wall mounted vs free-standing. However, we just found out that the district has a new vendor. So, our numbers are no longer valid. We must wait until later. Lucas and Alex move to ask would the board be willing to approve $20,000 for a sign. Comes from Cap-Construction funds. Seconded by Paul. Passed.
Ask the community for other suggestions for use of the rest of this funding.
Announcements: Daily Camera: Horizons has the highest growth in state testing in LA.
Proposed to look at the AP and P serving on the board and in regard to how many faculty members are serving on the board at the next Board Meeting.
Board Training: Tyler : Boards with Brains. Bill Bethke. Beth : August, September, October 1st. Trainings.
These options were all found. Motion: Lucas and Beth will work on logistics and scheduling and let the board know. Seconded. Passed.
Observations: tried to give equal time, significant issues discussed. Concerns reached. Side tracked on occasion. A president might help with direction.