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Board Minutes Jan 12 2023

Horizons K8 School
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: 1/12/23
Call to Order: 6:02

Facilitators: Lucas & Mike
Notetaker: Maggie
Timekeeper: Peter
Process Observer: Rob

Present: Lucas, Mike Ashmore, Karen, Maggie, Peter, Chris Osborn, Elizabeth, Allyson, Adam, Lauren, Lynn, Stephanie, Mike Tadros, Jess, Hilary, Fran, Rob
Absent: none

Quorum established
Public Comment (none)
Consent Agenda: 

Motion to approve – Mike
Second – Elizabeth

Head of School Updates

Lucas will be resigning at the end of this year. Peter says the process to find a replacement is exhaustive and thorough (and can be costly). Lucas is editing the job description). We are posting for a Principal (vs Head of School). We will develop a rubric of the desirable characteristics/traitP in the next principal. We will also post the position. Board discussed using an exit interview in order to understand how we could improve the hiring process and who might be part of the hiring committee. Mike motions to get the job description published. Elizabeth seconds the motion. Motion passes. 

FRC – Meeting Minutes  

The Finance Review Committee discussed a compassionate way to reduce salary overspending. Committee met with Summit Middle school since they are similar in their relationship with BVSD. Summit has a business manager and operates very similar to Horizons. We are aiming to earn interest on our money in CSAFE accounts vs transferring it to fund 11 where we won’t get interest. Board needs to approve our revised budget in January. Hilary was asked to share – not transferring the money will help us see what our actuals are. Elizabeth mentions increasing students per class. Is increasing class size a board decision? Elizabeth motions to approve the revised budget. Adam seconds. Everyone in favor. Motion passes. 

Fundraising Committee – $154K of $208K raised (64% of goal); discussed software to be used for monthly donations, kick off monthly donations for Hawk Bucks at the spring gala (April 22). Create media to show what the Hawk Bucks covers (such as winter sports). 

Other Topics (none)

Process Observer: 

  • Good job with sensitive subjects

Adjourn: 7:33pm