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Board Minutes Mar 10 2022

Board Meeting Notes

Call to Order: 6:03

Members Present: Peter Hegelbach, Stacey Acquevella, Lucas Ketzer, Karen Wolfer, Lynn Pence, Mike Tadros, Mike Ashmore, Allyson DeSart, Ryan Conrad, Jess Hogan, Aubrey Demmon

Absent: Adam Brink, Rachel Buckley

Quorum established

Introduction and invitation for public comment: No public comments

Consent Agenda: 

  • Motion to approve current agenda, concorded
  • Prior Minutes, concorded

Role of Council/Governance – what are our next steps

  • The first step might be a committee of teachers and parents to look at the responsibilities of Council. 
  • Big question: what is the scope of the work of council? 
  • Recommendations that were more immediate: giving board more responsibility about negotiating charter contract
  • Value having faculty and HOS on the board to give perspective
  • Consider creating a by-laws committee
  • Recommend having the discussion around governance first, because it might affect the work of the bylaws committee. 
  • Next steps: ask Bryce to draft a letter to discuss issues at the next board meeting and use that to inform our next steps and have him pinpoint specific points in the bylaws. How could they be rewritten to address the comments and concerns?

Head of School Updates

  • Hiring Update – retirements & new teaching assignments – Wendy is retiring and we will ask current licensed teaching staff if anyone would like to fill that position. We are interviewing for ½ teacher and hope to have a candidate for approval at the April meeting
  • Equity Audit Update – completed our portion, 7 interviews conducted, WEEAC team will share next week, identify next steps  to create a more inclusive community
  • Outside people in the building – parents are allowed in again, we are moving that direction, HCG is getting more active, parents going to clean classrooms, no covid cases this week, no quarantines

HOS Evaluation HOS goals

  • Rachel is chair of committee, Lucas’s goals were approved at the last meeting
  • Recommendation for revising one of the goals in operations
  • Next steps are: April 15- committee will get together to finalize the survey to go out to the community
  • Mike and Rachel get together to see what they can glean, then they present to the parent board in executive session at the May 5th board meeting

FRC – FRC Notes

  • We are tracking well with revenue and expenses through January 
  • We are currently drawing down $144K
  • Council transfer has not transferred yet
  • Increase in labor costs in January because of the number of staff members we had out, we relied on paras and subs to fill in
  • Hilary and Lucas are working on next year’s fiscal budget to present at the board meeting in April for feedback and  approval at the May meeting. Hilary is putting together new salaries and Lucas is revising operational costs.
  • BVSD is going to a new budgeting system called INFOR and we hope it will have more capability to look at revenue and expenses in real time

Mission/Vision/Values Update & Discussion – Proposed MVV

  • What do we want to present to the Council?
    • Meet in person to encourage engagement, virtual option is more inclusive
    • Share notes from last council meeting
    • Teacher-led to collaborative environment, paras thoughts gathered at meeting, goal is to come to concordance on MVV as a package
    • Agenda focused on doing that work and getting input, making necessary changes
    • Agreement to solicit 5th-8th grade student feedback- Peter will facilitate
  • Council Meeting in Hub with virtual option

Process Observer: 

  • Flowed
  • Efficient
  • Communication was good and clear
  • We were all on the same page, understanding each other

Adjourn: 7:04pm