Board Minutes Apr 8 2021
Board of Horizons K-8 School
April 8th, 2021
6:01 pm – 8:24 pm
Meeting held virtually via Zoom
Facilitators: Tyler Currie / Lucas Ketzer
Note Taker: Hope Nelson-Roohr (non-member)
Minutes: Geary Layne
Timekeeper: Paul Ramer
Process Observer: Karen Wolfer
Call to Order: 6:01pm
Alex Osias, Beth Coleman, Geary Layne, Julie Cohen, Karen Wolfer, Lucas Ketzer, Mike Ashmore, Paul Ramer, Peter Hegelbach, Rachel Buckley, Teran Sittner, Tyler Currie
Arrived Late:
Quorum established
Guests: Several
Public Comment: None
Consent Agenda:
- Approve April 8th Agenda
- Prior Minutes: March 11, 2021
Motion – Paul Ramer
Motion to approve consent agenda
Second – Tyler Currie
Head of School Updates:
- UIP (Unified Improvement Plan) Update
- Requirement of Colorado Department of Education
- Goals available to all stakeholders
- Horizons is on a Performance plan, meaning the school is doing well
- Renew every 2 years
- Met w/SAC
- Former goals: ELA (Language Arts), SEL (Social Emotional)
- Increase CMAS participation
- Two goals (current)
- Close achievement gap bet/students of color & white (lack of diversity, need culturally responsive teaching practices)
- Close growth gap between ELA & math (time to give attention to math, need common math assessment)
- Strategy- continue work w/WEAAC, and EDB Committee to expand diversity
- Adopt schoolwide common assessment for math
- ⅚ classes are doing a math assessment and feedback is available immediately on computer
- Susan Bennett of CDE has offered to look at UIP and make suggestions
- Strategic Planning Update
- The letter that will go out to the community was shared
- Event: World Cafe Fri, May 7
- 8 different areas to be considered (where we are, history, and guiding questions)
- 3 different topics can be chosen
- April 26 meet with faculty to share synthesis documents and faculty participation
- Look at how to measure priorities in next 3-5 years
- Mexican food truck
- Zoom option available
Finance Review Committee:
- Tracking well on budget
- Moved 80K from council to General Fund, FRC advising not to do that since we can accrue interest in not in Gen Fund
- Tracking ESSER and CARES funds
- BVSD will reimburse tents through capital construction
- ESSER 3 coming in
- Minimum of 20% of funds needs to be spent on recovering learning loss
- Trying to get answer on what that means (covers things related to covid)
- Maybe 150k (30k on recovering losing loss)
- Previously, Board concorded to eliminate payout for unused faculty annual leave
- A concession the teachers made last year when funding levels were expected to be significantly impacted by COVID
- Board discussed reinstating annual leave payout
Motion – Mike Ashmore
Motion to extend conversation
Second – Lucas Ketzer
- Continued discussion, including impact to budget, proper procedure, incredible work of the teachers
Motion – Rachel Buckley
Motion to reinstate paid annual leave
Second – Mike Ashmore
Concorded, Faculty Board Members Abstained
Charter contract and Head of School Evaluation:
Motion – Tyler Currie
Motion to move into executive session to discuss positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations regarding the charter contract pursuant to CRS 24-6-402 (4) (e); and to discuss personnel matters pursuant to 24-6-402(4)(f) C.R.S
Second – Lucas Ketzer
During executive session
Motion – Paul Ramer
Motion to extend executive session till 8:20
Second – Tyler Currie
Open session resumed at 820 PM
Motion – Tyler Currie
Motion to renew Lucas Ketzer as Head of School for 21-22
Second – Paul Ramer
Concorded, Faculty Board Members Abstained
Motion – Tyler Currie
Motion to schedule a special Board meeting next Thurs 4/15 @ 5:15PM
Second – Alex Osias
Process Observer:
Kept mostly on time
Motion – Tyler Currie
Moves to adjourn @ 824 PM
Second – Beth Coleman