Board Minutes May 27 2020
Board of Horizons K-8 School
May 27th, 2020
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Meeting held virtually via Zoom
Facilitators: Paul Martin / Lucas Ketzer
Note Taker: Hope Nelson-Roohr (non-member)
Minutes: Geary Layne
Timekeeper: Karen Wolfer
Process Observer: Julie Cohen
Call to Order: 6:00pm
Allison Akhnoukh, Beth Coleman, Geary Layne, Julie Cohen, Karen Wolfer, Lucas Ketzer, Paul Martin, Peter Hegelbach, Teran Sittner, Tyler Currie
Arrived Late:
Paul Ramer, 6:08pm
Quorum established
Elizabeth Parady, Christy Shoemaker, Lynn Pence, Fran Cohen, Joan Truesdale, Nicola Gilbert, DeeDee Rice, Michael Ashmore, Traci Bushnell, Kara Priest, Hilary Merina, Jim Freund, Sherry Davis, Aubrey Demmon, Sarah Brown, Emmy Kurtz, Tali Shapiro, Alison Berger
Welcome & Invitation for public comments:
Approval of Agenda:
Motion – Lucas Ketzer
Move to approve agenda with added items:
Enrollment Policy relative to Corona Virus and Boulder Universal,
Discussion of HoS Evaluation/Contract/Responsibilities
Second – Tyler Currie
Approval of Minutes:
Motion – Tyler Currie
Move to approve minutes with the following change to strike sub bullet points containing unclear budget figures
Second – Beth Coleman
Approval of new hires:
Motion – Tyler Currie
Move to accept recommendations of new hires
⅚ Position: Rachel Clionsky
K-5 SpEd: Kate Bechtel
Bookkeeper: Desiree Slavick
Second – Karen Wolfer
Finance Review Committee:
Budget Discussion
- BVSD Board met yesterday; outlined anticipated cuts – still planning on flat funding scenario
- Preparing for 0-3.62% reduction (may be no decrease, may be slight decrease to PPR)
- Guidance continues to change rapidly, currently outlook not as dire
- Horizons has identified our phase 1, 2 & 3 cuts
- There will be budget challenges in the 2 and 3 year timeframe
- New funding environment may impact Charter contract negotiations
- Given current reserves and unknown funding trends in the future, drastic cuts are not necessary
- Future budget adjustment will be necessary
Motion – Tyler Currie
Moves to approve the budget titled FY21 flat phase 1
Second – Paul Ramer
Concorded, Faculty Board Members recused themselves
Enrollment policy:
Discussion regarding adjusting Horizons enrollment policy for the 20/21 school year
- BVSD indicated that BU (Boulder Universal, full online schooling) is an option for students that are not ok with in person learning
- If Horizons does not fill the spots of students electing to enroll in BU there will be impact to the schools revenue
- If vacated spots are fill, given enrollment cap, Horizons can not guarantee a spot to returning students
- Proposal to adjust enrollment policy to give priority to returning student
Motion – Lucas Ketzer
Moves to make # 5 enrollment priority read all students that were enrolled in Horizons for the 19-20 that enroll in BU by 8/1/20 and wish to re-enroll in Horizons for the 21-22 school year, and change current priority #5 to #6
Second – Allison Akhnoukh
HOS Evaluation:
- How do we incorporate current responsibilities in HoS Contract?
- Two sets of standards- one is for eval and one is for employment agreement
- Need to harmonize those two documents
- Discussion tabled till next year, near term action item
Process Observer:
Started on time, took time to identify people, proper wait time for public comment, made adjustments to minutes including effort to be accurate, pace was steady and consistent, all voices heard, budget decisions made thoughtfully.
Adjourned: 7:30pm